Patrick Murphy is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Temple Rome and Professor in the Department of Media Studies and Production in the Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University. He joined Temple Rome in July 2022.

Past positions include Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the Klein College of Media and Communication (2013-2022), Chair of the Department of Media Studies and Production in the Klein College (2009-2012), and Chair of the Department of Mass Communications at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (2003-2009). He has also served as a visiting professor in the School of Communication and Humanities, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Querétaro, Mexico. Additionally, he was a Fulbright-Garcia Robles fellow in Mexico, and served as a delegate for the Latin America team of the American Documentary Showcase series. He sits on the advisory boards of the Centre for Climate & Society, Dublin City University and the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication (CARGC), Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania, and is a founding member of the Global Fusion Consortium. At Temple University he is an affiliated member of the Center for Sustainable Communities, the Graduate Certificate in Documentary Arts & Ethnographic Research, and Latin American Studies, and served on Center for the Humanities at Temple (CHAT) advisory board from 2017-2021.

Patrick holds a Ph.D in Communication and a Master of Arts in International Affairs, both from Ohio University. His teaching and scholarship are deeply tied to international issues and questions surrounding globalization. His teaching portfolio includes global media, media and the environment, documentary media, and Latin American media, among other courses. He has also led study abroad trips to Ireland and Mexico, co-created the 10-day intensive/transformative spring break course “Media, Technology and Ecology” held at Arcosanti (Arizona), and taught as a visiting professor for the University of Virginia’s Semester at Sea program.

Patrick’s research interests include global communication, environmental communication, documentary media, ethnographic method, and Latin American media and cultural theory. He is author of The Media Commons: Globalization and Environmental Discourses (University of Illinois Press, 2017), and is co-editor of Negotiating Democracy: Media Transformation in Emerging Democracies (SUNY, 2007) and Global Media Studies (Routledge, 2003), and his work has appeared in numerous journals and chapters in edited books. He has also translated into English articles by some of Latin America’s most prominent communication scholars.