Hello! My name is Joey and I’m currently studying abroad with Temple University Spring 2022! Not only am I a Temple student abroad, but I am also enrolled at Temple University at their main campus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I’m a junior studying marketing. I am beyond excited to see as much of Rome as possible, the city is so vast and profound that I feel it would take a lifetime to truly take it all in, but I’m going to do my best to squeeze the lifetime amount of adventure into a few short months. I very much enjoy being out of my comfort zone. Prior to this program, I had never been out of the country or even been on a plane. To some, these things are almost second nature, but for me it was a behemoth step out of my domain and I am very much enjoying it. For so long, I have wanted to come to Italy. My family is primarily Italian and my great grandparents were born there and came to the United States later. I am so fascinated with the culture and wanted to explore more of my roots, as I am one of the few in my big Italian family that has not seen this country. I want to start to learn Italian and be able to talk to locals on a deeper level than simply saying, “ciao” or asking for something at a restaurant. I think studying here in Rome with Temple is the perfect opportunity for me to explore all these aspects of living in Italy to the fullest extent.