Research and Teaching Interests

Film, Media and Cultural Studies, Contemporary Italian Literature, Culture and Society; Psychoanalysis and Gender Studies; Trauma Theory; Continental Philosophy, Sociology and Social History.


Ph.D. in Italian Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

M.A. in Film and Media Studies, University of Texas at Austin, USA

B.A. in Literature and Philosophy, La Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy


Courses Taught

ITALIAN 1001 -  Italian Language I
ADV 1101 - Introduction to Media and Society




Male Anxiety and Psychopathology in Film. Comedy Italian Style. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

[Reviewed in Italian Culture, Vol XXXV, N. 2, Sept 2017, pp. 147-150]

Kant e Carabellese. Roma: Luiss University Press, 2006

[Reviewed in Il Giornale di filosofia Italiana, Fall 2007:

Articles/Book Chapters

2019 “Dino Risi e la commedia del boom” – Book Chapter. Ed. Carabba, 2019 (forthcoming)

2018 “Il boom è in televisione. Miracolo economico e immaginario collettivo” – Chapter for Il boom e dintorni. Percorsi tra cinema e letteratura negli anni del boom, edited by Ugo Perolino and Fulvio Orsitto. Peter Lang, 2018 (forthcoming).

2018 “L’umorismo di Pirandello fra Opera aperta e la scoperta dell’io.”

Forum Italicum, vol. 52, no. 1 (2018), pp. 1-22.

2017 “Marco Paolini’s Theatre of Trauma: Vajont

Quaderni d’Italianistica, vol. 37.2 (2016), pp. 149-71.

2014 “Il doppio fantastico e la decostruzione del femminino in La doppia ora

gender/sexuality/italy, vol. 1 (2014), pp. 1-13.

2012 “La vacanza infinita degli italiani” ITALICA, vol. 89:3 (2012), pp. 386-404.

2011 “The Horror Cinema: Female Emancipation and Urban Anxiety” In: Popular Italian Cinema: Culture and Politics in a Postwar Society. Edited by Flavia Brizio-Skov (London: Tauris Academic Studies, 2011), pp.53-82.

2011 “The Birth of Comedy Italian Style” In: Popular Italian Cinema, cited, pp. 107-152.

Book Reviews

2015 De Pascalis, I. A. Commedia nell’Italia contemporanea (Milano: Il Castoro, 2011).

Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies (JICMS, vol. 4:1, 2016).

Websites/Documentaries/Digital Media Projects

2006 Writer for the Website Language Project: “Arlecchino’s Italian Grammar.” University of Texas at Austin.

2006 Behind the lines – The OSS and the Italian Resistance in WWII. []. Writer, translator, and film editor under the supervision of Professor Nancy Schiesari, University of Texas at Austin.


Service provision / Prof. Associations / Membership

2015-Present Co-organizer and introducer of film screenings for the Italian Department at AUR.

2015-Present AUR Italian Help Desk – Individual tutoring for language students.

2014 Translator of screenplay “Stringendo” for director Giuseppe Tornatore.

2012-13 Translator and Author of biweekly articles for the online political magazine Blitz.

2011-12 Organizer and introducer of screenings for the Italian Cultural Institute, San Francisco.

2008-11 Organizer and introducer of screenings for the Italian Cultural Institute, Los Angeles.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS)


Additional Information