Cinzia Abbate, an Italian architect, has taught and lectured nationally and internationally on architecture and sustainable projects since 1986, and has been a faculty member at Temple University Rome since 2012. She is also an adviser for the American Academy in Rome and member of the Scientific Committee of the Energy Forum and Advance Building Skin conference, and was a former faculty and director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rome Campus and Italian Representative at The I.E.A (international Energy Agency) for the building integration of renewable energies.
As one of the Italian pioneers in such interdisciplinary discipline, she promoted and curated research that led to international seminars, conferences, and publications. Her essays and projects have been published in the most important international architectural magazines (l’Arca, Architettura, Domus, Architectural Reviews. Etc.)
Her professional career has always intertwined the experience of the architectural practice with the teaching research, guiding students’ design approach towards the same environmental commitment.
Since 1992 she is the co-founder with Carlo Vigevano of the architectural firm AeV Architetti Associates.
B.A. in Architecture, Universita degli Studi di Roma, Italy.
M.A. in Architecture, Universita degli Studi di Roma, Italy.
Semester abroad, Penn State College, USA.
Year abroad, special research program, Urban Planning Department, Columbia University, USA.
Courses Taught
ARCH 3234 - Design Studio in Rome
Gio Ponti Rediscovered, Notre de Sion, Roma, Forma Edizioni, 2019.
Cinzia Abbate, Nina Maritz editors, Namibia. Archeology of the future. Tomorrow’s architectural landscape, Architetti Roma Edizioni, 2016.
Cinzia Abbate, Maria Spina, Adachiara Zevi editors, Una guida all’architettura fragale (A guide to frugal architecture), Fondazione Bruno Zevi, 2010.
Selected Articles
“Edifici storici ed efficientamento energetico: una questione di interpretazione e di metodo”(Energy efficiency of historical buildings: a question of interpretation and method), in Quale Energia, Issue 1, Artech Publishing, 2014, pp. 15-18.
“Design for a solar generation”, in Renewable Energy World, James and James, July-August 2003, pp. 132-43.
“Open Public Spaces and Street Furniture: The Potential for Increased Use of Photovoltaics in Built Environment”, in Progress in Photovoltaics, Vol. 4, number 4, Wiley Publisher UK, July-August 1996, pp. 269-77.
Solar Cells (Photovoltaic) and Architecture
Urban Climate Change and Architecture
Renewable Energy
Sustainability and water waste
Service Provisions
Advisor for the American Academy in Rome
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Energy Forum and Advance Building Skin Conference