Dr. Bordignon holds a MA in International Relations and a BA in Political Science at “LUISS Guido Carli” University, Rome. She has worked as International Expert in the Business and Human Rights field at UNDP Tunisia, and she has also served as Business and Human Rights Expert at the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation). In addition to teaching, she is co-founder of the association “Human Rights International Corner” (www.humanrightsic.com), of which she has been President from May 2018 to October 2024.

Dr. Bordignon has authored many research papers and articles on international relations, business and human rights, transition studies and development cooperation.



Ph.D. in International Law, Rome "Tor Vergata" University, Italy.

M.A. in International Relations, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy.

B.A. in Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy


Courses Taught

POLS 2211/3910 - Contemporary Politics of Europe

IB 3580/POLS 2000 - Social Justice and Business




“The emerging legislations on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD): unpacking the Italian and other European NAPs”, in Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, Sección FOROS, Relaciones internacionales/International relations, Vol. 73/1, enero-junio 2021, Madrid, pp. 301-308.

“National Action Plans: a pathway to effective implementation of the United National Guiding Principles?”, in Business and Human Rights in Europe: international law challenges, Angelica Bonfanti ed., pp. 84 – 94, GLAWCAL Series, Routledge, 2018.

“Otras medidas legislativas nacionales de implementación de los Principios Rectores” (Other legislative domestic measures for implementing the UNGPs), in La implementación de los Principios Rectores de las Naciones Unidas sobre empresas y derechos humanos por la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros, Marquez Carrasco C. and Viva-Tesón I. eds., Editorial Aranzadi, 2017.

“Seafood from Slaves: The Pulitzer Prize in the Light of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, co-author, in Global Policy, Special Issue, Volume 8 – Issue 4, pp. 498 – 504, 2017.

“Il dovere dello Stato di proteggere i diritti umani nel contesto dell’attività di impresa: il piano di azione italiano e la sua attuazione” (The State duty to protect human rights in the field of business activity: the Italian National Action Plan and its implementation), in I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie, Editoriale Scientifica, anno XXVIII, 1, 2017.

“The emerging European Union regime on Business and Human Rights: the Spanish and Italian experiences”, co-author, in España y la Unión Europea en el orden internacional, Fernández J. A., Petit de Gabriel E. W. editors – Tirant lo Blanche Ed., 2017.

“La roadmap verso uno strumento internazionale giuridicamente vincolante su Imprese e Diritti Umani alla luce del ruolo degli Attori Non-Statali” (The roadmap towards an international legally binding instrument on Business and Human Rights in the light of the role of Non-State Actors), in Human Rights and Democracy, “Diritto & Questioni Pubbliche” Review, University of Palermo, Vol. 16/2, 2016.

“State commitment in implementing the UNGPs and the emerging regime of National Action Plans: looking for best practices”, Human Rights & International Legal Discourse Review, Volume 10, No.1, 2016.

“Water Grabbing and Water Rights: Indigenous ‘Sovereignty’ v. State Sovereignty?”, co-author, in “Natural Resources Grabbing: an International Law perspective”, Romanin Jacur F., Bonfanti A., Seatzu F. (eds.), Brill/Martinus Nijhoff, 2015.

“The State duty to consult and the right to consent of indigenous peoples: the Sarayaku case in Ecuador”, in Carmen Márquez Carrasco (ed.), “Spain and the Implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities”, editorial Huygens, Barcelona, 2014.

“The principle of solidarity in the global economy”, co-author, in “Legitimacy and Efficiency in Global Economic Governance”, pp. 369-405, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, October 2013.

“The compliance with human rights in business sector : focusing on banks”, in Journal of Global Policy and Governance, Springer Ed. Volume 1, n°2, 2013.

“Regional proximity factor: an advantage or a disadvantage for development?”, in Transition Studies Review, Springer Ed. Volume 17, n°2, 2010.

“Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A Global Responsibility. Sichuan Towers Case Study”, in Transition Studies Review, Springer Ed. Volume 16, n°1, April 2009.

“The Ukrainian Approach to Cultural Heritage: A Different Way to Utilize the Historical Heritage for Economic Development”, in Transition Studies Review, Springer Ed. Volume 16, n°1, April 2009.

“The Cypriot issue in the current European geopolitical order: towards a final resolution?”, in Transition Studies Review, Springer Ed. Volume 15, n°2, May 2008.

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Business and Human Rights

International and EU Law

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)



Professional associations / Membership

Former President and co-founder of the Association Human Rights International Corner ETS (HRIC)

Scientific Co-Director of the "Business and Human Rights" Summer School

Member of the Observatory on Business and Human Rights (Observatorio sobre Derechos Humanos y Empresas), University of Seville (Spain)


Additional Information


